3 Lift Station Maintenance Tips

Posted on: 21 November 2017

In a typical residential or commercial sewage system, wastewater naturally flows away from a building and towards the municipal sewer system through pipes as a result of gravity. In some cases, however, the way a building is positioned doesn't allow sewage to flow in this way, and a lift station is necessary. A lift station helps pump wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher elevation. Lift stations are convenient, but they do require some routine maintenance.
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4 Advantages of Using a Pneumatic Conveyor System

Posted on: 26 September 2017

If your business currently uses a mechanical conveyor system, and need to update your conveyor system, a pneumatic conveyor system may be a worthwhile upgrade for your business to invest in. A pneumatic conveyor system offers certain tactical advantages over a mechanical conveyor system that can be beneficial for your business. #1 It Adds Flexibility If you already have equipment set-up, a pneumatic conveyor system is a great choice because it offers a high degree of flexibility.
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Cold Rolled Steel: An Introduction For Curious Homeowners

Posted on: 31 May 2017

When you are tackling a DIY project on your property, there is one thing you will run into quite a bit: the need to pick out the right type of metals for the job you are performing. One question that comes up a lot among homeowners who may be installing a fence, repairing a metal roof, or even building a structure is "what is so special about cold rolled steel?" Cold rolled steel is available in many different forms that you are bound to run across at the home improvement store when you go for materials.
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3 Tips For Preventing Soil Compaction During Harvest Time

Posted on: 31 May 2017

As a farmer, the compaction level of your soil is something that you monitor with a soil penetrometer on a regular basis. You need your soil to have a specific compaction rate in order to ensure that your crops grow successfully. You don't want your soil to get too compacted while you are harvesting crops from your fields. Here are three tips for preventing soil compaction during harvest time.  #1 Establish Travel Lanes
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