• 4 Ways To Take Care Of Your New Air Business Compressor

    If you recently purchased an air compressor for your business, you are going to want to make sure that you take proper care of your air compressor. Taking proper care of your air compressor requires you to understand the different parts of your air compressor as well as how to treat those parts. #1 Drain the Air Out of the Receiver Tank Your air compressor has a receiver tank. The job of the receiver tank is to hold the moisture that has been pulled out of the air before the air is sent through the compressor.
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  • The Practical Applications Of Tungsten Metals

    Tungsten is a chemical compound and (as it is more well known as) a relatively rare metal. It is noted for its toughness and extremely high melting point, both of which contribute to its many applications in industrial ventures. Historically, it has also had useful applications in the arms industry. The industrial utilizations of tungsten are many and varied. Chief among these are its alloy properties, hard materials, electronics, chemical applications, and certain unique uses.
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  • How To Store Couplers In Your Factory

    In your factory, you and your employees might find yourselves working with couplers on a regular basis. After all, you might constantly use them to connect hoses and pipes together. If this is the case, then keeping them on hand is obviously a good idea. Then, you can buy them in bulk so that you can purchase them at more affordable prices, and you can always have them on hand when you need them.
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  • Making Sure That Your Site Is Ready For Deliveries

    Working in the construction industry means that most of the time you are working on job sites that have yet to be developed completely so moving things on and off the site can be a challenge. Preparing the site to allow for construction material deliveries is important. Without materials and equipment, you can not get the job done. Making Sure Your Roads Are Solid If you are working on a site that has only unimproved roads going to it, it is important that you take the time and check the road before any materials are delivered.
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  • 3 Signs You Need To Repair Or Replace Your Pool Pump

    An in-ground pool is an excellent way to boost the value of your home and offer a fun option for recreation and exercise. However, owning a pool requires a lot of maintenance to keep it running well. Failing to do so will lead to expensive repairs. If you've had your pool for a while, and you've noticed a few problems, there may be some damage to the pool pump or motor, which requires repairs or total replacement.
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  • Three Tips For Using Vulcanized Rubber

    When you work in an industrial facility that deals in rubber, it's important to get as familiar with the material as possible. By knowing what you're getting from your rubber goods and equipment, it's easier for you to get the ideal service that you need throughout your company. To learn the ins and outs of rubber, you'll need to know a bit about the vulcanization process. Industrial professionals enjoy using vulcanized rubber for a number of reasons.
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  • Tips For Starting A Water Well Drilling Business

    Do you independently drill water wells for a few loved ones and now want to turn the skill into a career? You must consider everything that is involved with starting a water well drilling business before moving forward with it. For instance, there might be laws in place that you must follow based on the state you live in. You will also need a large amount of supplies if you intend on servicing a lot of customers.
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  • 3 Reasons To Get Your Company An Automatic Unloading Machine

    If your business frequently deals with delicate inventory like glass, you likely have a variety of tools and equipment available to you to help you move items around your warehouse or storage space. But if you want to truly optimize your warehouse, there is one more piece of equipment you might need. An automatic glass unloading machine can bring multiple advantages to both your bottom line and to your employees. Here are three reasons why you might want to invest in such a machine today.
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  • Here's The Pitch: Explaining Pitch Diameter To Those Who Don't Know

    Thread plug gauges have a wide variety of purposes. However, most any thread plug gauge for sale is lined with screw threads. To get the right gauge to screw onto or in where you need it to go, you have to know something about pitch diameter. What is it? Why is it important? Why should you know something about it? All these questions and more are explained in the following.
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  • 3 Lift Station Maintenance Tips

    In a typical residential or commercial sewage system, wastewater naturally flows away from a building and towards the municipal sewer system through pipes as a result of gravity. In some cases, however, the way a building is positioned doesn't allow sewage to flow in this way, and a lift station is necessary. A lift station helps pump wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher elevation. Lift stations are convenient, but they do require some routine maintenance.
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